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While Joe believes that everyone's golf swing is unique to that individual, there are certain components that all swings must have to be effective. This philosophy falls perfectly within the Medicus Golf 5 Simple Keys® Learning System. Through study and measurement, it has been shown that the greatest players throughout the ages almost all possess five commonalities, or keys, within their swing.  As you may have noticed while watching golf on tv or in person, the best players employ different grips, align there bodies differently, and have many different postures. Yet, these are generally referred to as fundamentals. How can this be, if very few of the best have any of these traits in common? What almost all of them have in common are the 5 Simple Keys®.


They are: Key #1: Steady Head

                 Key #2: Weight Forward

                 Key #3: Inline Impact

                 Key #4: Diagonal Sweetspot Path

                 Key #5: Clubface Control.


This learning system makes it easy for the instructor to prioritize the student's needs and clearly communicate to the student what has to be accomplished in order to improve. 5 Simple Keys® keeps the learning process clear and understandable for the student. One more important part of this system is that improvement can be measured and tracked.




















As this graph illustrates, mastering just two keys will get you close to being a single digit handicap.


To learn more about the 5 Simple Keys® learning system, click anywhere you see 5 Simple Keys®, browse this website, or even better, give Joe a call and begin improving.

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